Thursday, March 22, 2012

Our Common Problem

     We share a common peril. Whether we think of that peril as some sort of environmental crisis, overpopulation, looming financial collapse or moral breakdown of society, our problems, "we think are basically of our own making."
     This last quote was what Bill Wilson spoke concerning the problem of alcoholism. He went on to say: "... we are extreme examples of self-will run riot, although we don't think so... and we must be rid of this selfishness.  We must, or it kills us! God makes that possible. And there often seems to be no way of entirely getting rid of self without His aid..."
   "This is the how and why of it, we had to quit playing God...."
    Creating a Sober World is a conversation about getting rid of self.  The book Absolutely Sober details the history, principles and practice of the destruction of self-centeredness and shows how anyone who is willing to be responsible, can powerfully engage in the conversation and become a World Changer, -- to 'Create a Sober World.'